Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 1

(click picture to view larger, also circled in red are points i have made about each picture)

The post that I am choosing to blog about is the images. The first picture, the one with buffalo Bill in the center of the picture, I found to be the most typical idea of the wild west. It shows all the aspects of the west that you would see such as the horse riding, covered wagons, and 6 shooters.
At the same time, I feel this image is also very iconic and genius. I feel this way because these are the images that everyone associates with the wild west today. For example, when watching a movie about the Wild West these are the main things that are always included.

The next picture i would like to analyize is the one with the Buffalo Bill with General Custard.First i was wondering where those two are going.To me it almost looks like they are heading into a battle together.I dont see anything to really defend themselves but i dont know what kind of heat a general would be packing. I think this becuase the way the picutre is it shows their horses really booking it. I dont really see battle atI like this one because it includes a wild west super star such as General Custard. I really love this picture because of its historical value. I have found information telling of buffalo Bill and his evenging of General Custer.( about half way down). The connection is cool because it pictures them as "riding together" almost as friends. All this is what i find the most interesting about this picture.

The third picture that I would like to talk about is the one with Buffalo Bill holding the head dress
of the Native American. This image is the Wild Wild West stereotype of cowboys and indians. This picture also has some histrical value to it (see link above). This image is depicting Buffolo Bills taking his revenge on the supposed Native chief that killed General George Custer.
As the story goes, Bill is called back into service finds the Cheif gets into a fight with him and ultimatly kills him.This picture shows Bill scalping the Cheif Yellow Hand with his bloody knife, and holding his head dress up in a almost trophy like fasion.
Another thing is the fact that again is anther connection with the previous picture i had mentioned. They in a sence go along with each other perfectly( if you know the history)

These are the images I have found most interesting out of the pictures we have been presented.

1 comment:

  1. Dan I find it interesting the way you look at the first image. You are right the image does show all the aspects of the west. When I looked at the image I see all the aspects but I also see that most of the image is stereotypical of what people thought of the west. There was not an overabundance of wagon chases with Indians in west. Most people that went out west had no problems with the Indians.
    The second image is also an interesting image. What are they racing to or from is a good question they could be racing to a battle or they could be racing to get away from an attack. There are many different reasons for them to be riding so hard. They could have been late for dinner.
    In the third image you are right that the image is a good description of cowboys and Indians. There were scalpings done by both sides. There were some Indians that scalped but most of the scalping was done by the cowboys to show that the Indian was dead.
    The images that we looked at are very interesting. When I looked at them I saw that most of them are stereotypical of what people thought the west was like and not what is actually was like.
